The Era of the Holy Spirit
(Acts 2:17)

We currently live in the era of the Holy Spirit. If we are full of the Holy Spirit, we can experience the abundant grace of God to dispel the power of darkness and make our souls prosperous, so that all may go well with us. It is mandatory for us as believers of Christ to be filled with the Holy Spirit to make our faith powerful and our lives victorious.

1. The Holy Spirit who comes in the last days
About two thousand (2,000) years ago, the tenth day after Jesus had ascended into heaven, the Holy Spirit descended on the day of Pentecost. When the Holy Spirit came from like the blowing of a violent wind, the disciples began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enables them. Besides, when Peter declared God’s words, amazing work was manifested that three thousand (3,000) repented their sins and came back to God. Since that time on, God’s Holy Spirit has continued to work throughout the church history for the period of two thousand (2,000) years. Nowadays, we live in the age of the end time where the news of famine, earthquake, and war never ceases. Thus, we need to surrender ourselves to the Holy Spirit and be full of Him. Then, we can be victorious in this world by the power of God’s Holy Spirit.

2. The Holy Spirit who comes on all people
During the period of the Old Testament, God selected and empowered only a few people with the Holy Spirit. However, in the end times, God pours out His Holy Spirit on all people including men and women of all ages. Prior to Jesus’ ascension into heaven, He commanded His disciples to be baptized with the Holy Spirit whom God had promised (Acts 1:4-5). Therefore, we as believers of Christ, need to be filled with the Holy Spirit in accordance with Jesus’ instruction. Ever since John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church experienced the Holy Spirit, his life was not the same as before. Fire of God’s Holy Spirit in his heart fueled him to proclaim the gospel all over the world. I pray you would be filled with the Holy Spirit, devote yourselves to the gospel, and achieve God’s great work, thus used by God in a mighty way.

3. The Holy Spirit who gives us dreams and visions
As the Holy Spirit comes, all people will dream holy dreams (Acts 2:17). Children tend to transform their ideas and languages, and speak the words of future, hope, creation, and affirmation. And the young men will see visions and go forward by faith. Besides, the old men will transcend their ages and dream of new lives in Christ. Lastly, God pours out the Holy Spirit on all people and uses them for His kingdom, so that people regardless of their gender declare hopes and dreams toward the future. In application of this, I pray that you as people of the Holy Spirit living in the age of the Holy Spirit defeat all the issues and difficulties, and achieve your dreams and visions. I bless all of you in Jesus’ name.