The Lord Added to Their Number Daily
(Acts 2:24-47)

Ever since God’s Holy Spirit had descended on the Pentecost, amazing work was manifested when the apostle Peter preached, so that three thousand (3,000) repented their sins and returned to God. From that day on, the Jerusalem Church, the Early Apostle’s Church in Acts, had new believers each day and experienced explosive growth. Hereunder, we will examine the secret of revival at the Jerusalem Church.

1. They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching
Believers at the Jerusalem Church were taught by the apostles. Faith comes from hearing the Words of God. As we say, “Amen” to God’s Words and accepted them, God’s grace and blessing are manifested in our lives. However, if our hearts are not rooted in God’s Words, our lives become infertile and face spiritual famine. Therefore, I pray that you would have plenty of living water being God’s Words just as the tree planted by streams of water does, bear much fruit, and have blessed lives.

2. They devoted themselves to prayer
Believers at the Jerusalem Church gathered and devoted themselves to the apostle’s teaching and prayers to God. As they scattered, they preached the gospel. If we are to be spiritually strong soldiers for Christ, we need to devote ourselves to prayer above all else. Let’s spiritually awake and daily seek God’s face in prayer. As we call out to God from the bottom of our hearts, He will show us great and unsearchable things we do not know (Jeremiah 33:3).

3. They gave to anyone as he had need
There were no needy persons at the Jerusalem Church. Because those who experienced God’s grace intended to help the needy and donated their possession to the church. In application of this, let’s be filled with God’s love all the more and take the initiative in helping the underprivileged such as the handicapped, single mothers, elderly single-person households, and child breadwinners. As we practice God’s love, our God will bestow awesome grace and blessing in our lives, church and community.

4. They continued to meet together
The believers at the Jerusalem Church had the same mind and daily met together in the temple courts. They practiced God’s love and shared their possessions, so that they had favor from all the people and daily experienced revival. In application of this in our lives, we maintain the unity in God’s Holy Spirit and collaborate in the ministry of Jesus. Let’s endeavor with one accord to meet together, pray to God, and resolve the issues of our neighbors with affliction and suffering. Our church marks the sixty-five (65) anniversary of its foundation this year. As we have one mind by God’s Words and prayer and practice God's agape love, we can write a new chapter in our church’s history to make it praised by the public and experience revival.