The God Who Helps Us Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
(1Sa. 7:10-12)

During the period of judges, while Samuel reigned Israel, God bestowed His grace on the Israelites to defeat the Philistines at Mizpah. In appreciation of God’s grace, Samuel set up a stone and named it “Ebenezer”, meaning, “Thus far has the Lord helped us.” It was his confession to offer God gratitude and glory. This stone symbolizes Jesus Christ, the rock of the ages. As we can see, Jesus is the rock of salvation and our help to be with us forever.

1. The God who helped us yesterday
As the Israelites had departed from God, they were massively defeated in the battle against the Philistines. The Philistines deprived the Ark of the covenant of God which the Israelites highly valued as their lives. Consequently, the Israelites lost hope and joy in their hearts and became hopeless. In this very time of despair, God’s hands were heavy upon the Philistines and brought them all kinds of disasters. In the end, the Philistines were compelled to get a new cart ready with two cows that had calved and had never been yoked. They took the Ark of God’s Covenant, put it on the cart, and sent it back to Beth Shemesh where the Israelites’ camp based. Indeed, God rescued the Israelites in their severe distress. Therefore, if we cling to the Lord amid tribulation, He is with us and rescues us from all despair.

2. The God who helps us even today
Samuel said to the whole house of Israel to get rid of the foreign gods and assemble at Mizpah to fast, pray and repent of their sins before the Lord. Then, the Philistines heard the news and attacked the Israelites. When Samuel offered a suckling lamb as a whole burnt offering to God and cried out to Him on Israel’s behalf, God sent heavy thunder on the Philistines thus punished them. As we can see, as we are to pray, the enemy the devil hinders and attacks us. Even more, we need to rely on the power of Jesus’s cross and pray to God. Then, the God Almighty will stretch His arms to protect and rescues us from all harm.

3. The God who will lead us in our lifetime
The Israelites defeated the Philistines, and built an altar to the Lord. God rescues us with His abundant grace, although we are nobody. God rescued us in the past, is present with us today and continues to do in the future. Our God accompanies and guides us in our life journeys. Therefore, let’s fill our hearts with God’s words and the Holy Spirit, and bear witness to Jesus’ love all over the world. As we obey God and celebrate the sixty-five anniversary of our church this week, the Lord of Ebenezer showers and overflows His grace on us and our church.