They Shall Live Again
(Ezekiel 47:8-9, 12)

Today’s scripture reading is the message of hope, which God gave to Prophet Ezekiel when the Israelites were exiled into Babylon. Christianity brings hope to people, for Jesus is the savior and the hope of all humanity. Thus, we can find genuine hope in Jesus while we go on our life journeys.

1. The water coming out from the temple
Prophet Ezekiel saw the vision that water came out from under the threshold of the temple. The water symbolizes the living water stemming from God’s house to revive the soul, the power of Jesus’ blood, and the work of God’s Holy Spirit to transform the world. If we accept Jesus in our hearts, the spring water of eternal life, healing and restoration stems from our souls, so that the sense of existential vacuum and emptiness vanish away. Thus, we need God’s Holy Spirit to fill our minds, so that His grace lets the living water overflow in our souls. Then, the power of God’s Holy Spirit dispels all the anxiety, hatred, anger and despair in our minds and fills them with joy and peace from the Lord.

2. The water of life that makes alive what is dead
Just as the creatures revive wherever the water flows in, wherever God’s Holy Spirit dwells, people’s souls once dead with sins and faults will revive and gain new lives. Consequently, we can dispel poverty, curse and illness in our lives, and partake in the grace and blessing of Jesus’ cross, so that our souls get along well, enjoy good health, and all may go well with us (3 John 1:2). Once we had lived in darkness and now believe in Jesus and become the children of light. Therefore, as we live as children of light, and shine the light in the whole world, the power of darkness will disappear, so that we can glorify God in all things.

3. The water of life that brings forth fruit
Wherever water flows, all the trees bear abundant fruits. Similarly, when we fill our minds with God’s words and His Holy Spirit, we can make our lives blessed as the tree planted by the streams of water yields its fruits. Furthermore, we believers of Christ can be full of God’s Holy Spirit, live as the witnesses of the gospel and transform the world. We endeavor to make the living water of God’s Holy Spirit overflow all over the world and produce His abundant fruits in our lives. I bless you and pray that you carry genuine peace in the Lord, continue to embrace new vision and hope, and go on by faith in God against all the odds.