The Spirit of the Lord Is On Me (I)
(Lk. 4:17-19)

The secret to overcome the weakness of human nature and make our lives victorious is the fullness of the Holy Spirit. The same applies to Jesus, whose life was marked with companionship with God’s Spirit. As Jesus commenced His public ministry, He was first filled with the Holy Spirit, and after fasting for forty days and forty nights in the desert, He proclaimed the gospel by the power of the Spirit.

1. The Spirit of the Lord is on me
As the Spirit of God was on Jesus, we desire the same on us. When the Holy Spirit descended on us, He empowers and makes us as His witnesses. The founder of the Methodist Church, Rev. John Wesley was full of the Holy Spirit and his life was transformed and used by God in his entire life. In application of this, we must be filled with the Holy Spirit to make our lives full of God’s power. Let’s be awake and pray in the Spirit of God and make our lives full of the Holy Spirit and the word of God. Then, God can use us in a mighty way to achieve God’s great work.

2. To preach good news to the poor
The Lord pours His Spirit on us to preach good news to the poor. Here, the poor means either those who are brokenhearted or economically deprived. Above all else, we need to deliver Jesus’ love and His gospel to the poor in ragged clothes living in despair without any hint of hope. Also, we should commit ourselves to sharing the gospel with the wounded heart from various issues and the broken-hearted on false charges, so that they experience God’s grace. I pray that we can be the channels of God’s grace and blessing to the underprivileged and the broken-hearted and serve them with God’s love.

3. Freedom for the prisoners
Numerous people in this world live caged by the world. Countless issues of sin, illness, poverty, hatred and anger, material possession, honor, and greed try to imprison us. As believers of Christ, we need to set ourselves free from these issues. When Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God in the jail, suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken: Immediately all the prison doors were opened and everyone’s chains came loose (Acts 16:25-26). As we can see, when the Holy Spirit is on us, He sets us free from all bondages and yokes and bestows genuine freedom on us. Thus, I pray that you follow the Holy Spirit in all your days and God makes your lives happy, victorious, worthwhile, and significant. I bless all of you in Jesus’ name.