The Spirit of the Lord Is on Me (Ⅱ)
(Luke 4:18~19)

It is once in a lifetime miracle and blessing to believe in Jesus. Anyone who entrusts his or her life can be saved from sin and gain eternal life through Jesus’ death and resurrection. Today’s scripture reading describes the reason why Jesus came on earth, and what He accomplished in the world.

1. Recovery of sight for the blind
Jesus came to this world to make the blind see again. Here, “the blind” refers to both those who are physically blinded and the one, spiritually blinded. Our Lord Jesus gave sight to the blind bagger, Bartimaeus, and opened the eyes of a man born blind. Besides, He impacted millions of people who had been spiritually blinded and awoke them to their souls. The same is true for us. Before we believe in Jesus, we were spiritually blinded to the truth and only sought-after things of this world. However, we who once had been spiritually blinded gained spiritual sight and made our life journeys look ahead to heaven. Therefore, let’s continue to be thankful for God’s grace and give glory to God in all our lives.

2. Releasing the oppressed
Jesus came on earth to set the oppressed free. Everyone in this world cannot escape various issues of the world and suffers oppression. Thus, Jesus tells the crushed in their hearts due to failure and hurt from their past, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) Therefore, we can lay in front of Jesus all the heavy loads such as inferiority, guilty consciousness, worry, anxiety, and a sense of failure. Then, the Lord heals all our wounds and broken hearts and sets us free from all the issues depressing us.

3. Proclaiming the year of the Lord’s favor
Jesus came to the world to declare the year of the Lord’s favor. It means the year of Jubilee, the fiftieth year after the seven (7) times of the sabbatical year. In Jubilee, all the indebted are released from their debts and recover their possessions. Therefore, the year of Jubilee is the chance of a lifetime and joyful period for the indebted. The same is true of Jesus. He came to recover all things that we humans had been lost by the devil as the result of sin and unrighteousness. Now, if we believe in Jesus, we can partake in all the blessings from the year of Jubilee and be free from all the curses including but not limited to anxiety, worry, poverty and illness. Therefore, let’s be full of Holy Spirit and receive His authority and power, be the witnesses to the gospel and proclaim the blessing from the year of God’s favor. I bless all of you in Jesus’ name.