What Jesus Did
(Matthew 4:23~24)

Today, millions of people suffer from both mental illness and physical disease. Yet, there is one who can free us from all disease. That is Jesus, the hope of all humanity. He preached God’s kingdom, taught people, and healed them during His public ministry.

Jesus devoted himself to teaching God’s words. When He declared and taught God’s words, the crowd was amazed at Jesus’ teaching, for He taught as one having authority. Jesus disciplined His followers with God’s word how to live in the world. He called them the salt of the earth to bring joy into life, for salt made food tasty. Also, He called them the light of the world to shine their lights in the dark world (Matthew 5:13-14). Besides, He promised to ask the Father to give them God’s Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth who is with us forever (John 14:16). Thus, let’s remember Jesus’ teaching to make our lives full of God’s words and His Spirit and make our journeys with Him.

2. Preaching the good news of the kingdom
Jesus preached the good news of God’s kingdom. He died on the cross for humanity bombarded with sin and death, thus opening the path leading to new life and salvation. Therefore, anyone who believes in Jesus can find the way, know the truth, and gain the life in Him. Nicodemus was a member of the Jewish ruling council and one of the teachers of the law. He always had an ongoing spiritual thirst in his heart. Thus, he visited Jesus, learned the eternal words of blessing, became a new man, and lived a life of joy. It applies to us. Jesus loves and calls people of every condition regardless of the gender, age, and material possession. Therefore, I encourage you to come to Jesus and accept Him as your savior. Then, your lives will be changed, thus able to partake in genuine happiness in the Lord.

3. Healing every disease and sickness
Jesus healed every disease and sickness among the people. He cured all the infirmity in people’s souls, spirits, and bodies and restored them to health. As Jesus came on earth in human flesh, He knew all the pain and illness of humans, bore our infirmities in Him, and finally died on the cross. As a result, anyone coming to Jesus can be healed and saved from death. Jesus’ healing and miracle have continued even today, for He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Therefore, let’s trust Jesus living and working wonders amidst us and go on by faith in Him. Then, we can partake in the abundance of God’s work of His words, salvation, and healing.