Towards Hope Beyond Despair
(Genesis 1:2~5)

These days, people in the world tend to lose hope even at the most trivial things laid before them. Although the world sighs in despair, we believers of Christ sing for hope. By believing in Jesus, we can turn hopelessness into hope, sorrows into joy, wounds into renewal, and tribulations into resolution.

1. Darkness was over the surface of the deep

When God created the world, He said, “the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep” (Genesis 1:2). It indicates our spiritual figure prior to knowing Jesus. Our minds were empty and confused, and covered under the dark shadow of hopelessness. There is only one way to overcome despair and darkness. It is none other than Jesus Christ who is the only hope of the world. When we accept Jesus Christ, we encounter God’s Holy Spirit and are freed from the power of darkness. Therefore, it lies in the fullness of God’s Holy Spirit that we resolve the issues of life. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, becoming the people of God’s Spirit, we can be free from all the issues of life and partake in the genuine peace of God.

2. Let there be light

As God said, “Let there be light,” all the darkness faded away and God’s wonderful work of creation commenced. In application, as God’s Holy Spirit moves in our minds, the love of Christ stems and overflows in us, and dispels all the issues bringing despair. Besides, God saw that the light was good (Genesis 1:4). While we take on life’s journeys, what matters the most is making our lives pleasing to God. Therefore, I encourage you to accept Jesus in the centermost place in your heart and make Him your Lord and Savior. Then, you may enjoy good health and all may go well with you, even as your souls are getting along well.

3. There was evening and there was morning

Christianity brings eternal hope, for we serve and live for Jesus Christ, the hope of all humanity. From time to time, we confront despair. No matter how deep and dark the night may be, it cannot block the new morning from dawning. It was at the break of day that the Red Sea was parted, the fortified city of Jericho was dismantled, and Jesus was resurrected. Our God has continued to work wonders at daybreak. Therefore, if we cast our concerns, worries, anxieties, and despair upon our Lord, we will surely see the new day dawning. I hope and pray that you would equip your mind with absolute positive faith, walk with the Lord, and greet the dawn of hope. I bless each one of you in Jesus’ name.