There Was Great Joy
(Acts 8:4~8)

There is no greater joy and blessing in life than knowing Jesus. And what matters most on the religious path rests in God’s word, the Bible. We, believers of Jesus, are to meditate on God’s word day and night and follow His guidance.

1. The scattered followers preached the gospel

Right after God’s Holy Spirit had descended to earth on Pentecost, the Early Jerusalem Church experienced explosive growth. The Jewish leaders then began to persecute Jesus’ disciples and His followers, which made them spread throughout Israel. The believers experienced persecution, as they remained in Jerusalem and forgot the Great Commission from Jesus to share the gospel in all Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. As the church faced great tribulations, the believers were scattered all over Judea, sharing the gospel, thus, making it known all over the world. Sharing God’s word is the Great Commission from Jesus. Let’s follow in the footsteps of the believers in Jerusalem and devote ourselves to serving the marginalized with Jesus’ love and sharing the gospel of cross.

2. Philip went down to a city in Samaria

After Stephen was martyred, Philip went to the city of Samaria in succession to Stephen and preached Christ unto them (Acts 8:5). When Philip shared the gospel, numerous people accepted Jesus as their savior and obeyed God’s word. Not only that, the evil spirits were cast out and many who were crippled and paralyzed were healed. In the same way, we too are to search for those who are marginalized to share the gospel and the love of Christ. As we fulfill our calling by the Lord, the church will experience revival, and people will be set free from their physical, spiritual, and psychological infirmities. I pray you will drive out the dark powers and authorities; partaking in God’s abundant blessings each day.

3. There was great joy in the city

As God’s work of great revival and healing manifested in Samaria, great joy overflowed in the city. Even today, a great wave of revival is sweeping over our church. Therefore, we too will experience the same work of God that the city of Samaria experienced where the demons are cast out, the spiritually paralyzed healed, and the spiritually crippled walk again by God’s grace. Though problems and difficulties come our way, we do not despair nor lose heart. As the Lord has done great things for us, we see all difficulties settled and are full of joy (Psalm 126:3). I pray that you would experience great miracles as you give God all the glory in all circumstances, and partake in God’s great work with the joy that the Lord has given you. I bless each one of you in Jesus’ name.