The Blessing of Hardship
(Zechariah 3:1-5)

During our lifetime, we may encounter unexpected difficulties. When viewed spiritually, hardships are blessings in disguise. Through them, our faith grows and deepens, making our lives wholeheartedly dependent on God.

1. Satan accuses Joshua, the servant of God

The prophet Zechariah saw in his vision the court of heaven in session. God rebuked Satan who had been accusing the great high priest Joshua (Zechariah 3:2). As can be seen, Satan is an accusing being, who caused even the righteous Job to suffer extreme hardships, depriving him of his children, possessions, and health. After believing and entrusting our lives to Jesus, our legal status has changed from being a slave of the devil into being a child of God. Therefore, we do not despair nor lose heart even when the devil tries to tempt and attack us. We’re always bold in heart and courageous, for when we stand against the devil, God Immanuel is with us and will overthrow all dominions of darkness.

2. A burning stick snatched from the fire

The great high priest, Joshua, looked as if he were a burning stick snatched from the fire. It is because he was dressed in filthy clothes after having gone through hell and high water, and stood before the angel (Zechariah 3:2-3). Similarly, we have the same appearance as a brand plucked from the fire amidst the trials and tribulations of this world. Even more, we must entirely rely on God and go forth. God loves us with an everlasting love and rescues us from all harm. Furthermore, God lets us learn perseverance through suffering, grows our faith, and makes all our hopes come true (Romans 5:3-4).

3. Joshua, clothed with rich garments

God changed the filthy clothes of Joshua into rich garments and put a clean turban on his head (Zechariah 3:4-5). Thus, our God is a loving God who pardons all our iniquities. God forgives all the sins of His people and dresses them in garments of salvation and grace. Therefore, let’s behold the glory accompanied by adversities, though the trial may temporarily give us difficulty. The Lord will bestow His grace on us to purify and renew us. I pray that you will rejoice in God, thank Him amidst sufferings and difficulties, and partake in God’s amazing grace. I bless each one of you in Jesus’ name.