Be Still and Wait on God
(Psalm 62:5-8)

Humans without discretion have brought destruction of forests and pollution of soil, air, and water. As a result, disaster has returned to mankind. In addition, news from around the world incite drugs, gambling, pornography, and homosexuality which pollutes the human’s mental world. Then, how do we, who believe in Jesus, live in this troubled world?

1. Be still and wait on God

When David fled from his son Absalom (Psalm 3), in his affliction, he confessed to the Lord, “My soul waits in silence for God (Psalm 62:1, New American Standard Bible). In “silence” means to calm one's mind, endure with faith, and wait on God. When we face problems and troubles, don’t look to people or the environment, but in stillness, we must wait on the Lord. In no circumstance should we complain or say anything negative, but rather, we should offer a confession of gratitude, and wait for the Lord’s time. In doing so, God becomes the solver of our problems and will save us from all hardships and despair.

2. My hope comes from God

Hope and salvation in our lives come only from God. By believing and trusting Jesus, we have been saved, and we’re able to enjoy true hope and joy. Jesus is our rock, our salvation, and our fortress (Psalm 62:6). Therefore, when hardship and despair come our way, don’t be disheartened or give up, but look to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. In the midst of the flood of affliction, with unwavering faith, as we hold onto the Word and move forward with praise, the Lord will lead us to victory.

3. Pour out your hearts to Him at all times

In times of trouble, we must lay prostrate before the Lord and pour out our hearts to Him in prayer. In any case, we mustn’t neglect prayer, leaving everything to the Lord. Sometimes, our prayers aren’t answered immediately. At such times, wait on the Lord’s time and cry out earnestly. The Lord will protect our lives in the midst of suffering, taking care of us, and will lead us on the best path. Like this, as you wait on the Lord in stillness, may you be courageous in faith. I pray that you may you be blessed with abundant peace and joy that comes from the Lord.