Who am I?
(Isaiah 41:8-9)

We only have one life to live and during this lifetime, we should have very clear answers to the following questions; Who am I? What do I live for? Where am I heading? As believers of Jesus, we know that we can find the answers only in Jesus Christ.

1. God’s servant

God called us as His servants. Prior to knowing Jesus, we lived as slaves to the devil marked with curses of sin, sickness, and poverty. However, our good God chose us, saved us, and called us to be His servants. Even at times when we sin against the Lord because of our unrighteousness and go astray, our Lord never leaves us, nor forsakes us, and will be with us till the very end of the age. Thus, in our life’s journey, let us accompany Jesus, the great master of our lives, doing what the Lord tells us to do and living a life pleasing to Him.

2. God’s chosen

The people of Israel was chosen by God. Israel wasn’t chosen by God because they were righteous in His sight. They were the least among all nations, full of fault, and a stiff-necked people. However, God loved them unconditionally and chose them. He saved them from Egypt where they were enslaved for 430 years. We too lived as slaves to the devil but God unconditionally chose us and freed us from the devil. Likewise, this is only because of God’s one-sided love. While we were still sinners, Jesus Christ died on our behalf. Therefore, let us live a life of gratitude in response to the priceless grace given by our loving savior, Jesus Christ.

3. God’s friend

God called Israel His friend. Today, after believing in Jesus, we have become friends of God. Therefore, we must do our best in our relationship with God. Love God passionately, devote yourself to worship, and always go before the Lord in scripture, prayer and praise. In this way, when we have a deep relationship with God, as God had promised Abraham, we will receive his blessings. During your one and only life, live as God’s servant, God’s chosen, and His friend, living a life reflecting God’s glory. I bless each one of you in Jesus’ name.