Jesus bore our diseases
(Matthew 8:14-17)

Today’s scripture text is about Jesus healing Peter’s mother-in-law who was ill with a fever. It was at the very moment when Jesus touched her hand that the fever instantly left her. Soon after, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick.
1. Forgiveness of sin and healing
Since Adam and Eve’s sin, all humanity has been under the power of sin and death. As a result, the threefold curses were imposed upon all humanity; the death of the spirit, environmental curses, sickness of the body and death. However, after Jesus hung on the cross and rose again from the dead, He resolved all the issues of sin and death. As well as bestowing His grace upon us through the threefold blessing; that we may enjoy the blessing of Abraham, healing of our sickness and giving us health (1 Peter 2:24).
2. The fever left
In our modern society, many people suffer from large and small fevers. In particular, the number of people suffering from mental fevers such as anxiety and depression is increasing. The fever of the mind fills our thoughts with negativity thus negatively affecting the people around us. Therefore, we must be cured of our mental fever. If you feel the mental fever coming upon you, ask for Jesus’ help. When you look to Him and earnestly pray, He will stretch out His hand and will hold you and free you from all the fevers of our mind.
3. He drove out the demons
Only Jesus can heal us of all our illnesses. Whatever illness you have, such as a mental illness, a sickness of the body, or a disease of the family, bring them to Jesus. He took up our infirmities, and bore our diseases and when we trust fully on Him; He will drive away our greed, lust, hatred, anger, lying spirits, falsely accusing spirits, and all unclean spirits (Acts 10:38). Jesus, who is the same yesterday, today and forever, will heal us of all our diseases (Hebrews 13:8).