Without inquiring of God
(Joshua 9:14-15)

Life is an endless process of learning. We meet people with diverse backgrounds, cope with various challenges, we learn and grow from them. The most important lesson for God’s children is learning, abiding in, and following God’s Word. Whatever we do, whomever we meet, or when we are about to make a major decision, as long as we inquire of God’s will above all else, we can live a happy life leading to success.
1. The Gibeonites deceived Joshua
Today’s scripture is about the events that followed during Joshua’s campaign in conquering the land of Canaan. When the Gibeonites heard that the Israelites had demolished the cities of Jericho and Ai, they devised a scheme to save their lives. In order to make a ‘covenant’ with Israel; they disguised themselves as though they were from a faraway country, wearing worn-out clothes and carrying moldy bread (Joshua 9:3-6). Joshua and the leaders representing the Israelites made a decision based on the outer appearance they saw and were deceived.
2. Joshua made a decision without inquiring of God
Thus, Joshua did not consult with God and entered into the peace treaty with the Gibeonites (Joshua 9:14?15). We, the children of God, like Joshua, have made decisions without inquiring of God and have experienced failure. Whether we make decisions big or small, we must not make haste in our decisions. Instead, we must kneel before the Lord every moment, inquiring of Him, making decisions in accordance to His Will. We are to humble ourselves and be alert, strengthened in faith so that we have spiritual discernment (1 Peter 5:8?9).

3. Lessons for us
When the Israelites learned that they had been deceived by the Gibeonites, they grumbled against Joshua and the leaders (Joshua 9:18). Although the Gibeonites were spared of their lives, they became servants of the Israelites becoming woodcutters and water carriers (Joshua 9:22?23). Without consulting God, both the deceiver and the deceived faced hardships. Therefore, let us not be deceived by sweet talk but rather inquire of God, thinking with the wisdom that God gives when making decisions. When we seek God’s guidance each day, we will live a victorious life.