The Noble
(Isaiah 32:8)

Many people in the world are losing their purpose and direction, wandering about life. This is because they don't know how precious they are. However, the Bible clearly says that we are the noble ones who have been chosen by God. Jesus gave His life for us, He saved us from our sins, so we must realize our new identity as the noble and live a changed life.

1. The noble
God has chosen us as His children among numerous people (Isaiah 43:1). Now, no one can treat us recklessly or harm us. We once lived as slaves of sin and despair but now, we are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God (1 Peter 2:9). Therefore, we must declare that good things will happen to us daily with the self-image that we are the children of God Almighty.

2. Making noble plans
A noble person dreams of noble works, plans, and moves forward with faith. In Hebrews 11, Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses are described as people of great faith, with faith of absolute positivity, who dreamt and laid out noble plans. Thus, they pleased God and manifested God’s glory. We also must follow the footsteps of these great people of faith, dreaming of noble works, planning and thus becoming the people of faith whom God pleases (Hebrew 11:6).

3. Remaining in noble deeds
The noble exist to do noble things. We must be spiritually alert and awake and position ourselves where we can manifest the glory of God. We do not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers (Psalm 1:1). Furthermore, we are to meditate on God’s Word day and night, pray, and be filled with the Holy Spirit, so that our lives are pleasing to Him (Psalm 1:6). I hope that we will remain in the Lord’s hands all the days of our lives, as nobles doing noble deeds.