(2 Corinthians 7:8-10)

Everything in the world depends on the mindset a person has. Therefore, we, who believe in Jesus and have become children of God, should hold onto the Word and pray when we face unexpected problems and difficulties, instead of being anxious and worrying. God gives us peace of mind as a gift to us who live a life of absolute positivity and absolute gratitude.

1. Worldly sorrow leads to death
The anxiety that the world brings leads us to despair and makes us ill. When we face problems and difficulties, we cannot change anything by being anxious. Instead, a crushed spirit dries up the bones (Proverbs 17:22). Thus, Jesus warns us to lay down the worries of this world (Matthew 6:25). Jesus is the only one who can relieve our burdened hearts of this world. Therefore, we must respond to Jesus’ call by faith, for He is the ultimate problem solver (Matthew 11:28).

2. Holy burden in doing God’s will
We, the children of God, should have a holy burden in living in accordance to God's will. For godly sorrow leads us to salvation. When David sinned, he quickly realized his fault and repented before God (Psalm 38:17-18). Such holy burdens lead to repentance when one's thoughts, words, and actions fail to please God. And when we repent, the God of compassion, who heals the wounded, will bandage our wounds (Psalm 147:3).

3. God’s comfort
The burdens of God’s will not only leads us to salvation, but also brings us great comfort. Our holy burdens lead us to the eternal glorious world (2 Corinthians 4:17). When we are hurt, discouraged, and exhausted due to unexpected problems and difficulties, God is the one who holds us and comforts us (2 Corinthians 1:3-5). I hope that we will abide in God as we overcome all problems and difficulties, being victorious by driving out worldly concerns, worries, and anxieties.