Don’t Cry
(Luke 7:11~16)
As soon as a man is born, she or he burst into crying. Children tend to cry over to inform them they need something or feel uncomfortable. Also, people cry and shed their tears in despair when they go through sad or painful events. Today, we are going to examine the event that Jesus wiped out tears of the widow going through the tunnel of despair.

1. The woman who lost hope
As Jesus came to the gate of the city, Nain, he saw a widow at the funeral of her son (Luke 7:12). As she had lost her beloved husband and her only son, she lost all the joy of her life. In front of the unexpected despair, her mind must have become like an empty tomb without any hint of hope (Psalm 88-4-7). Everyone is destined to go through the tunnel of despair, and tribulation in this life journey. Then, we should remember that Jesus is the only hope in the time of despair (Psalm 88:9).

2. Jesus who comes to those in despair
The widow wailed in the face of her son's death. Jesus had pity on her (Luke 7:13). Although none had asked Jesus for, he went ahead to comfort the widow in despair. Similarly, God sent us Jesus, the eternal light and hope when we were in absolute despair (John 3:16). It is the grace of God for those who did not deserve to be saved, or qualified. Even today, Jesus came over us in despair.

3. Jesus who comforts us
Jesus came, touched, and comforted the widow, and said, “Don’t cry” Then he touched the bier and revived her son with His word (Luke 7:15). The dead came to life again, and the widow who once had been in despair had hope again. When we see Jesus who has compassion on us, He turns despair into the door of hope (Nehemiah 9:31). Our God turns the place of wailing into the one of joy, thanksgiving, and an overwhelming moment. I pray that you would approach Jesus who comforts us, so that you would settle down all your problems and taste God’s miracle.
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