Walk Before Me Faithfully and Be Blameless
(Genesis 17:1~5)
It is generally said that Koreans are hot-tempered. Abroad, foreigners recognize the Koreans speaking the phrase of “Palri Palri” with the meaning of making a big haste. Well, think about the situation when we are used to doing things fast, only to find out what we planned 20 years ago has not come true, how would we feel?

1. The Word of God came to Abram
Abram, at the age of 75, received the promise of God and heard God saying to fulfill His promise. However, even when he reached 99 years, he only found God's promise unaccomplished. This time, God appeared to Abram and told him, “I am God Almighty. Walk before me faithfully and be blameless.” (Genesis 17:1). There is nothing God cannot do, and He is the Almighty. Even if we are imperfect and weak, as we walk upright before God, trust His word, and go on by faith, God will accomplish what He promises and bless us.

2. The blessings of the Abrahamic covenant
God told Abram to make the covenant with him and blessed him by the covenant (Genesis 17:2). The promise of God to bless Abram and make him great was already made when God called him out in the Ur of Chaldeans. Thus, once again, God reminded him of the promise to have faith in it. God's promise will surely come true in His time. We are to stand firm on the promise of God and daily make our paths by absolute faith in God.

3. Abraham, the father of all nations
God once reminded Abram of His promise and changed his name from Abram with the meaning of big father into Abraham, the father of all nations (Genesis 17:5). A person's name reflects his or her identity. As soon as his name was changed to Abraham, he became the father of all nations. Abraham trusted in God who had called him Abraham, so he gained Isaac, the promised son, at the age of 100, and became the father of many nations. God revives the dead and calls out what you do not have as what you have. Shall we call the name of the Lord, put our trust in Him, and make our life journeys? Then, you will surely witness a miracle in your life.

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