Abraham’s Decision
(Genesis 22:1:1-3)
People’s lives are marked by a set of choices and decisions. A sum of good choices and decisions make better lives, whereas even one time of wrong decision can lead one’s life into destruction. Here is the reason why we shall make the best decision and the best choice at each moment. Especially, the Christians, the children of God are to make God-pleasing decisions and choices.

1. God called out Abraham
One day, God called out Abraham and told him to offer God his only son, Isaac as a burnt offering. Isaac is the begotten son Abraham bore at the age of 100, and the promised son of God. Thus, God intended to test Abraham whether he adored and loved God above his only son Isaac (Genesis 22:1). Sometimes, people tend to cherish the gift itself more than the giver of the gift, God Himself. In any event, we must not distort the priority. In all our lives, we are to put God first above anything else. Then, God will bless us.

2. God commanded Abraham
God’s commandment to Abraham was to offer his only son whom he cherished and loved the most (Genesis 22:2). In other words, God requested Abraham the best. What is the object of our best love? It could be the spouse, children, money, reputation, health, and business, whatever it might be, if we love it more than God Himself, it can be an idol. Here is an example of a rich young man wishing to have eternal life, but did not give in his possession, and ended up not following Jesus (Matthew 19:22). God does not tolerate us serving two masters, instead he wants to take all of us.

3. Abraham’s decision
After Abraham had heard God’s commandment, he got up early in the morning, took his son Isaac, and headed for the place to offer God a burnt offering. It clearly shows that Abraham did not show any hesitation in obeying and practicing God’s command. Thus, genuine obedience does not lie in practicing it after having deep thought, rather it is obeying God without any hesitation. As Abraham was completely crushed by God, he was able to obey God immediately. If we die, Christ lives in us and makes us have godly decisions and commitments. Thus, I pray that we always make decisions by faith, obey God’s will, and make our lives blessed by God.

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