Isaac’s obedience
(Genesis 22:6-8)
The most important priority for God’s people is to listen to God’s voice and obey it. We must not go ahead of God without listening to God’s voice. As we listen to and obey God’s voice, making our move, the Lord will work together to make things good.
1. Isaac’s obedience
Isaac shows the typical example of obedience. As he accompanied his father, carrying the wood and going on the mountain, he might have wondered about the sacrificial lamb. So, he asked his father, “Where is the lamb for the burn offering? (Genesis 22:7). Isaac might have thought about the possibility that he could be offered as the burn offering. In fact, when Abraham reached the God instructed place, he built the altar, bound Isaac, and laid him on it. However, Isaac did not protest against his father in the process. He only trusted and obeyed his father.
2. Isaac’s obedience parallel to Jesus’
Isaac’s obedience demonstrated the parallel to Jesus’. As Isaac obeyed Abraham’s will without raising any objections, Jesus did the same to his heavenly father, and became the sacrificial lamb on the alar of Calvary. God the father, by Jesus’ obedience, opened the gate of salvation for all humanity, and made all men acknowledge Jesus as Lord, and glorify God (Philippians 2:9-11). Following after the footsteps of Jesus and Isaac, we are to live completely surrendered to God’s will.
3. Blessings followed by obedience
Isaac, by his absolute obedience, made his life prosperous and blessed. He married to Rebecca, reaped a hundredfold of crops, and became very rich (Genesis 26:12-13). In ancient eastern area, water was scarce, yet, whenever Isaac dug a well, water gushed out. As people observed Isaac being blessed in all his business, they admitted that God was with him (Genesis 26:28-29). We too are to live fully surrendered to God, win favor and good name in the sight of God and men, further share the blessings with the multitude, and be the genuine people of God. I pray for each of you in Jesus’ name.

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