Absolute Gratitude
(Colossians 1:13-14)
In 1620, there were 102 Pilgrims seeking religious freedom sailed from England to the United States. One of the initial actions taken by the Pilgrim fathers was to establish a church and offer a Thanksgiving worship. Despite the challenging conditions of the first winter, marked by shortages of food and harsh weather, they worked diligently and served the Lord. After a year, they gathered their first harvest, expressing sincere gratitude to God for His abundant grace. This event is the origin of current day Thanksgiving celebration.
1. God who saved us from the domination of darkness
Christians should consistently lead lives of gratitude under God, acknowledging His redemption from sin and death, transforming us into His children. Through the grace of Jesus’ cross, God removes diseases, poverty, and curses, rescuing us from the path to hell and guiding us to heaven. As a response we should offer eternal gratitude and praise to God. Gratitude is the heart that discovers and enjoys abundance even in scarcity. We should aspire to fill the coming 365 days with gratitude (Psalm 118:1). Furthermore, I earnestly hope that we reflect Christ’s love to our neighbors in the midst of difficult situations, giving glory to our Lord.
2. God who moved us to the kingdom of the Son he loves
“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves” (Colossians 1:13). Even though we may face challenges and hardships during our lives, we can have hope and belief that God is with us, and ultimately, He will bring us to the eternal and perfect rest in heaven. When we consider, The Apostle Paul, who had such hope, was able to rejoice, be patient, and pray even in the midst of imprisonment and tribulation (Romans 12:12). Also, Karl Barth, who is the most influential theologians of the 20th century, stated “Joy is the simplest form of gratitude” In the course of life, difficulties may arise, and there may be times when we stumble and feel discouraged. However, if we remember that God holds us until we reach heaven, we can rejoice and give thanks on any occasion. I pray that may our entire lives and every moment be filled with overflowing gratitude and absolute gratitude because of our beloved God.
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