Prepare the Way for the Lord
(Mark 1:2-5)
This upcoming Christmas season represents the time when Jesus came to the Earth to save all Human beings. According to the Church Calendar, the four weeks before Christmas are known as Advent ? a period of anticipation and preparation. It is a time for rejoicing giving thanks for the birth of Jesus, who came to this world for us and for anticipating the return of our Lord in the future. This week’s scripture focuses on the mission of John the Baptist who prepared the way of Jesus’ first coming. For this mission, he became a voice of calling in the desert.
1. Baptism of repentance
John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus Christ who came down to the earth. He proclaimed a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins (Mark 1:4). When we consider the term “repentance” in Greek, it is “metanoia”. It represents a complete change in direction, just like turning one’s steps from east to west. That is, genuine repentance involves sincere remorse, a complete turning away and a transformation of one’s way of living. Missionary Robert Hardy, who worked mainly worked in Wonsan 120 years ago, did not gain the fruit of his ministry. In the midst of his deep despair, he prayed and experienced awakening touch of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit asked his profound and genuine repentance. As Hardy repented his sense of superiority in white culture, disregarding demeanor toward Koreans and reliance on his own power, all other people who gathered started repenting of their sins. The Holy Spirit led them to experience a great revival in their church. This Wonsan Revival Movement transformed into the Pyongyang Great Revival Movement in 1907. As it shown from above, may we all experience God’s great blessings and become those who prepare the way for the Lord through genuine repentance.
2. Make the path straight
The mission of John the Baptist was to proclaim and prepare the straight way for the coming of the Lord (Mark 1:3). When hearts are bent, people tend to view everything with pessimism, negativity, and easily trapped and driven into prejudice and misunderstanding. We must acknowledge that by forming straight path of mind, we can fully embrace our Lord and enjoy harmonious relationship with our neighbors. The salvation of God through Jesus Christ becomes evident when we get rid of our negative way of thinking, arrogance, untruthfulness, hypocrisy through the grace and power of the cross. I pray that by straightening our path of mind, may all of us may become Christians who meet Jesus, who desires to see us, and serve and love our neighbors in need.
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