God Who Helps Me
(Psalm 121:1-8)
As we travel through life, we inevitably encounter both significant and minor challenges and difficulties. Much like a tree standing firm in the midst of storms and growing stronger, Christians too strengthen their faith as they endure trials. So, how should Christians approach and navigate these hardships and trials? Psalm 121 guides us to seek help and protection from God alone, relying solely on Him.

1. God who is my help
  The people of Israel would visit Jerusalem three times a year, during the celebration of Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. As they ascended toward the Jerusalem Temple, located at an altitude of 800 meters, these devout Israelites would sing, “I lift up my eyes to the hills-- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth" (Psalm 121:1-2). When individuals encounter hardships, they naturally seek a source of help and support. However, no one and nothing can provide fundamental assistance in this world. Only God, our Creator, can truly be our help and savior. In times of adversity or challenges that go beyond our own strength, we should not rely on our surroundings or people, but should cry out to God in prayer. Those who earnestly seek God's assistance and place their trust in His help will find that God Himself will deliver them and lead them to honor Him (Psalm 50:15).
2. God who watches over us
  God is our ultimate source of help because He always watches over us with eyes like flames, caring for us. He never slumbers nor sleeps, guarding us from stumbling (Psalm 121:3-4). Furthermore, as we walk the path of life, as challenging as a wilderness, He walks alongside us, offering protection and guidance (Psalm 121:5-6). God is our Savior, delivering us from all adversities and protecting our souls (Psalm 121:7), and He is the One who watches over all our comings and goings both now and forevermore (Psalm 121:8). Throughout our lifetime, no matter what challenges we face, I earnestly hope that all of us, who firmly believe in God's constant protection and care, relying solely on Him, may continually dwell in His presence.
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