For the Battle Is Not Yours, But God’s
(2 Chronicles 20:1, 15-17)
When God's people seek for spiritual growth and righteousness, the devil often attempts to hinder their progress and sets various obstacles. However, God, Himself personally watches over and pours grace upon those who love Him with their whole hearts. God’s ultimate intention towards us is not adversity but peace and blessings.

1. The allied army that came against the people of Judah
King Jehoshaphat of Judah stood faithfully before God and initiated a reform movement. This reform involved spiritual repentance and the establishment of a just legal system to promote social justice (2 Chronicles 19:4-6). However, in the midst of spiritual and social revival of the kingdom of Judah a coalition of Moab, Ammon, and Meunites launched an invasion. This illustrates how the devil, often ridicules, and attacks us when we seek to walk in the path that pleases God. In such moments, we should not be dismayed, resentful or complaining. Instead, we should place our complete reliance on God and continue to move forward.
2. The people of Judah, who sought the help of the Lord
As hearing the news of the approaching the vast army, fear approached the heart of king Jehoshaphat. However, in that moment, Jehoshaphat turned his face toward God and cried out, proclaiming the people to fast and pray (2 Chronicles 20:2-3). The prayer of Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah was a humble recognition of their own helplessness, humbly seeking God’s assistance, who has His power over all nations. Thus, when Christian faces despair, they must approach through prayer alone. When we do not fear but solely reply on prayer, we will experience God, who turns adversity into a symphony of blessings.

3. The Lord who responded to the prayer of the Judah
When Jehoshaphat and all the people of Judah, earnestly prayed, they received a response from heaven. God declared “For the battle is not yours, but God’s”, and He commanded them not to be afraid of or discouraged but to go out to face their adversities (2 Chronicles 20:15, 17). That is, prayer is the key to solve all problems. Regardless of the challenges or enemies we face in life, I hope that we earnestly approach God in prayer, as His precious voice assures us that He will journey with us.

4. The people of Judah who praised the Lord
In response, Jehoshaphat and all the people engaged in worship and praise to God. Jehoshaphat made an optimistic confession, declaring “Have faith in the LORD your God, and you will be upheld”. That is, victory could only be attained by placing their trust in God (2 Chronicles 20:20). Additionally, Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the LORD and to?praise?Him for the splendor of His holiness as they went out at the head of the?army (2 Chronicles 20:21). While Judah's army marched in this way, confusion arose among their enemies, causing them to turn against each other. The people of Judah gained abundant spoils in a complete victory. Similarly, our hope is to experience God's grace every day, regardless of the challenges we face throughout our lifetime, by approaching Him with thanksgiving and praise, and achieving significant triumphs in His presence.