I Come Against You in the Name of the Lord Almighty
(1Samuel 17:45-47)
As disciples of Christ, who have received salvation and freedom from the power of sin and death by accepting Him as our Savior, we are blessed children of God. However, our great enemy, the devil, seeks to bring us down and draw us back into the patterns of our past through various trials and adversities. In the midst of this spiritual war, we must always equip ourselves with the Word of God and the strength of the cross, achieving triumph in every circumstance.

1. Goliath attacking Israel
  According to the Old Testament, the people of God, Israel, often faced attacks from the Philistines. During King Saul’s reign, the Philistines, led by a daunting general named Goliath, initiated assaults. Standing at approximately 2.9 meters tall, he wore armor weighing around 57 kilograms, with a spear weighing about 7 kilograms (1 Samuel 17:4-5, 7). Goliath entered the battlefield with his overwhelming physique. Similarly, in our lives, we encounter enormous adversities like Goliath. It is essential that we fortify ourselves spiritually to confront and conquer such challenges, standing firm with unwavering faith.
2. Fear approaching Israel
When Goliath approached, shouting loudly, Saul and all the Israelites were dismayed and terrified (1 Samuel 17:11). Among various problems, the fear that creeps into our hearts generates the biggest fear within us. Through such fear, the devil seeks to break down our bodies, minds, and souls. As God’s people, we must listen to the voice of our Lord who says, “Do not fear!” (Isaiah 41:10). May we bravely stand against worries, anxieties, concerns, and unease that attack our hearts, conquering them each day in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior.

3. The key to victory
  When all the Israelites were trapped in fear, a young boy named David appeared on the battlefield with a determination to defeat Goliath, who had insulted the army of God. He stood before King Saul assuring him by saying “let no one lose heart on account of this Philistine: your servant will go and fight him” (1 Samuel 17:32). With courage in the name of the Almighty God, David stepped forward and threw a stone from his sling at Goliath on the forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell facedown on the ground. It was a significant victory for Israel against the Philistines (1 Samuel 17:49, 52). Similarly, we pray to become Christians who approach life's challenges with unwavering faith and absolute positive trust in God, overcoming every Goliaths in our lives and glorifying God.