The Passover Lamb
(Exodus 12:5-11)
Lent is a period of 40 days (excluding Sundays) before Easter, a time devoted to contemplating the suffering and grace of Jesus Christ. Today's world is suffering under the weight of sin, resulting in despair, hatred, jealousy, envy, murder, war, and more. Our Lord Jesus came to this earth to address the problem of sin. The Passover narrative in today's Scripture reminds us of the grace of Jesus Christ, leading us to realize His forgiveness of sin.

1. The lamb without defect
  Israel endured 430 years of enslavement under the oppression of Egypt. In order to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, God brought ten plagues upon the land. However, before unleashing the final plague, He instructed the Israelites to prepare lambs without defect for their protection from the angel of death (Exodus 12:5). The sacrificed lambs on the Passover night for Israel symbolize Jesus Christ, who died on the cross as the perfect sacrifice for our sins. We must always live a life of gratitude, remembering that Jesus, without sin or flaw, willingly suffered death to save us.
2. Blood of the lamb
The Israelites slaughtered lambs and applied their blood to the sides and tops of the doorframes of the house (Exodus 12:7). That night, every firstborn in Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh to the firstborn of livestock, was struck down. However, the Israelites were spared from death because of this blood. The blood of the lamb symbolizes the blood of Jesus Christ, which forgives all our sins. Just as the Israelites were saved by the lamb's blood, anyone who believes in Jesus Christ receives forgiveness through His sacrifice on the cross and becomes a child of God. The blood of Jesus has the power to save, heal, and fill us with the Holy Spirit, guiding us to live in hope of heaven. Let us hope to rely on and praise the power of this blood every day, becoming those who trust in it, praise it, and proclaim it.

3. Meat of the lamb
  As the Israelites prepared to depart Egypt, they roasted the meat of the slaughtered lamb over fire and ate it with bread and bitter herbs (Exodus 12:8-9). Just as the Israelites gained strength from eating the meat and stepped into the wilderness, we too must always consume the Word of God, the bread of life, for our spiritual nourishment. Furthermore, as the Israelites consumed unleavened bread to ensure their faith remained untainted by sin, we must always strive to keep our faith unstained by sin. Likewise, as the Israelites remembered past hardships while eating bitter herbs, we too should look forward to future blessings during times of adversity. May we all pray to become people of the Spirit, citizens of heaven, who progress in faith, remembering the grace of salvation before the Lord until His return.