My House Will Be Called a House of Prayer
(Mathew 21:12-14)
The church stands as the vessel of salvation and the channel of blessings established by God on earth. God has assigned the church with the responsibilities of spreading the Gospel (mission), teaching and nurturing through the Word (education), and serving and caring with love (ministry). However, prayer is essential in carrying out these three tasks. The church can truly fulfill the mission entrusted by God only when it functions as a "house of prayer."

1. Church that built the kingdom of man
The first day of the last week before the crucifixion, Jesus arrived Jerusalem and entered the temple. When he walked into the temple area, unbelievably disturbing landscape unfolded. Pilgrims who had come to offer sacrifices to God were being charged excessively high price for animals by merchants. Additionally, those responsible for exchanging money for temple tax were exploiting the situation, charging excessive fees and profiting greatly. Instead of being a sanctuary for the holy presence of God, the temple had become a den of thieves, contaminated by the greed of corrupt priests and merchants, resembling more of a kingdom of man than a house of God (Matthew 21:13).

2. The house of prayer
  God mentioned that the Church is a house of prayer for all nations (Isaiah 56: 7, Mark 11:17). That is, Prayer is the essence that truly defines the church. A church desiring genuine revival in God must become a community of holy prayer. In a church where prayer is neglected, resentment and complaints arise, and discord and disputes increase. The church should earnestly pray every day not focusing on its own will but seeking God’s will just as Jesus did. When we engage in fervent prayers, prayers of repentance and fasting, and prayers that are both holy and powerful, we will experience remarkable breakthroughs where all problems are resolved, poverty and diseases retreat, and curses and bondages are lifted.
3. The house of healing
  Jesus, who expelled the merchants from the temple, also provided healing to the sick who came to Him. Particularly, the Bible records that the blind and the lame came to Jesus in the temple (Matthew 21:14). Even today, as people come to the church, there are still those spiritually blind, struggling with past failures and burdens, living in emotional and spiritual unrest. Just as Jesus purified the temple and healed the sick, He continues to call out to those burdened by sin and suffering today. Let us earnestly pray to become those who come before the Lord, our healer, and receive true rest and peace, living lives with overflowing joy and gratitude