Jesus Having Pity on Her
(Luke 7:11-16)
Within the hearts of people living in this world, there are various pains and wounds, ranging from the significant to the trivial. In the face of unexpected accidents, hardships, profound despair in life, and the inevitable confrontation with death, everyone is rendered as helpless beings. Jesus who came to us had pity on us. Through His endurance of the cross, He has led us to live a new life filled with true hope and joy

1. A woman in deep despair
During the Ministry of Jesus, there was an occasion when He visited a city called Nain. As He approached the castle gate, He encountered a funeral procession. A widow was grieving over the loss of her dearest, only son, after her husband's passing. Death, for humans, signifies not only the termination of life but also the deepest despair, a consequence of sin (Genesis 3:19). In the midst of the power of death, our Lord Jesus Christ is the only one who can provide salvation for us.

2. Jesus looked upon with compassion
Jesus looked upon the grieving woman with compassion (Luke 7:13). The phrase 'looked upon with compassion' implies that He felt the other's sorrow as if His own heart were being torn apart by the pain. Regardless of the challenges, sufferings, illnesses, or wounds, miracles occur when Jesus looks upon us with compassion. We hope to become those who call out to our compassionate shepherd, Jesus, shouting 'Have mercy on me,' and meet the Lord who embraces us, satisfying us with the bread of life.

3. Despair into hope
Jesus, approaching the funeral procession, laid His hand on the coffin and said to the dead young man, 'I say to you, get up.' The young man's life returned immediately, and his mother rejoiced as she met her resurrected son (Luke 7:14-15). Jesus isn't just a bystander with temporary sympathy and compassion but the One who meets us with genuine hope and life. I earnestly pray that we all become those who seek God's mercy solely through prayer and gratitude and experience the work of our Lord Jesus Christ, which empowers us to bring glory to God.