The Blessing of the Cross
(1 Corinthians 1:18, 2:1-2)
   Among various regions of the world, there are tombs and graveyards of religious founders. In Medina, Saudi Arabia, rests the tomb of Muhammad, the founder of Islam, while in Sanchi, India, lies the tomb of Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism. Additionally, in Qufu, China, lies the tomb of Confucius, the esteemed teacher of Confucianism. However, there is no tomb for our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus, who returned from the cross, conquered the tomb in three days and resurrected, granting us great blessings through His crucifixion.

1. The blessing of salvation
   Originally, the cross symbolized sin, curse, and death. However, through Jesus Christ's resurrection following His crucifixion, it transformed into a pathway of blessing for sinners to reconcile with God. Those who repent of their sins and have faith in Jesus Christ, crucified for them, can receive the blessing of salvation and become children of God. We must always remember that the cross is the power of God that saves us (1 Corinthians 1:18) and live lives of absolute positivity and gratitude before God.

2. The blessing of abundance
   Jesus, who came down to this earth and became a model of humility and service, overcame the poverty and curse that surrounded our lives and filled us with God’s abundance (2 Corinthians 8:9). Since the fall of Adam and Eve, countless individuals on earth have struggled with spiritual and physical hunger. By proclaiming Jesus, who endured disease, poverty, and a curse for us, we hope that God's blessings?which bring wealth, well-being, and strength to the soul?will flow toward everyone on this planet.

3. The promise of the Holy Spirit
   Through the grace of Jesus Christ's redemptive sacrifice, another remarkable blessing is the promise of the Holy Spirit. In the period of His public life, Jesus spoke about the Holy Spirit, whom believers would receive (John 7:38?39), and just before His ascension, Jesus asked His disciples to wait for the promised Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4-5). As He instructed, on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended, empowering the disciples to become witnesses of the gospel. Like the disciples, as we journey through this world, I earnestly pray for us to become effective workers of God, fully filled with the Holy Spirit promised by the Lord to fulfill our divine missions.