Overcome the Distrust
(John 20:24-29)
The greatest obstacle we encounter in our journey of faith is not from external enemy, but from the distrust that resides within us. We must always safeguard our community of faith and approach our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with faith, in order to overcome and triumph over this distrust in our life of faith.

1. Do not depart from the faith community

The community of faith helps us to fortify our trust in God and the bonds among Christians. Therefore, it is highly important to commit gatherings of worship, Word, and prayer together. For instance, Thomas, once a disciple who had pledged to sacrifice for Jesus, was absent when the risen Lord appeared to the disciples after the crucifixion (John 11:16, 20:24). Steadfast faith and unyielding grace are preserved when individuals remain steadfast within the faith community.

2. Jesus, the giver of chances for renewal

After eight days, the resurrected Jesus once again revealed Himself to His disciples, and this time Thomas was among them. Knowing the doubts of Thomas, Jesus said to him, " "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe" (John 20:27), thus renewing his faith. Our Lord is the one who diligently seeks us, when we stray from Him. May we strive every day to go one step closer to Jesus, who leads us along the journey of authentic joy, restoration, genuine love, and dedication.

3. The confession and commitment of Thomas

   Encountering Jesus and witnessing the scars on His hands and side where the nails were driven and His side pierced by the spear, Thomas, overwhelmed with awe and amazement, exclaimed, "My Lord and my God!" (John 20:28). Jesus, addressing Thomas who could only make his confession of faith after seeing with his own eyes, spoke about the blessed faith that believes without seeing (John 20:29). Following this, the apostle Thomas lived as a faithful follower, calling upon and proclaiming the name of the Lord Jesus until the day of his martyrdom. Let us earnestly pray to become blessed Christians who firmly uphold the place of faith and the community of believers, dedicating our lives to our Lord forever.