Throw your net on the right side
(John 21:2-6)
Everyone inevitably confronts death. Regardless of one's status, power, or wealth, they are powerless in the face of death. To live a meaningful and fulfilling life without regrets in the shadow of death, it is crucial to seek true meaning and happiness in Jesus Christ. However, the problem arises from maintaining a self-centered lifestyle despite claiming to believe in Jesus as their Savior.

1. A self-centered life

Believing in Jesus means abandoning a self-centered life and following Him wholeheartedly. However, the disciples, who met the resurrected Jesus with great joy and impression, fell into despair and returned to their former lives as fishermen. "Simon Peter said, 'I am going fishing.' They replied, 'We will go with you.' They went out and got into the boat" (John 21:3). Peter, who had once been deeply committed to Jesus and willing to sacrifice his life for Him, now proposed returning to fishing, leading the other disciples to follow him. Without seeking or praying about Jesus' will, the disciples went back to their former lives as fishermen before encountering Jesus.

2. A life like an empty boat

A life without Jesus is a life of emptiness, vanity, and failure. As the disciples attempted to fish without Jesus, relying solely on their own strength and skills, they failed to catch anything throughout the entire night. Life without Jesus is like a night of despair. No matter how hard one tries or strives, a life without Jesus ends up being empty and lacks genuine fulfillment. Even when striving to live independently, without embracing Jesus, life remains as empty as an empty boat. Therefore, we must come to Jesus, who calls out to those who are weary and burdened (Matthew 11:28).

3. Jesus, who fills the empty boat

Jesus directed the disciples, who had caught no fish all night, to cast their net on the right side of the boat (John 21:5-6). Despite their despair, the disciples obeyed His command with the determination to catch anything. When they obeyed and cast the net as directed, they caught so many fish that they could not haul it in. While their own efforts to catch fish throughout the night had failed, obeying Jesus' words resulted in their boat overflowing with fish. Jesus is the one who seeks out those with empty and fruitless lives. May our encounter with Jesus transform our empty lives into ones filled with dreams and hope.