(Acts 20:17-21)
A truly happy and fulfilling life is one that recognizes and embraces the mission given to them wholeheartedly. Even though the journey may be difficult and challenging, the person who walks the path of their mission is truly blessed. Let us all aspire to live lives that embrace our mission with joy and gratitude.

1. A Life that serves the Lord

   Throughout the history of Christianity, the Apostle Paul has been regarded as one of the greatest pastors, missionaries, and theologians. Following his conversion after encountering Jesus Christ, Paul dedicated his life entirely to his mission, serving the Lord until his martyrdom. Serving the Lord is not a journey of comfort, but one marked by suffering, tears, patience, and humility (Acts 20:19). Despite possessing everything by worldly standards, Paul regarded it all as worthless and only boasted the cross of Jesus Christ in the midst of enduring adversities. As Christians, we too must embrace our mission, walk the path of the cross, and live lives solely devoted to serving the Lord, just as Paul did.
2. A life of preaching without hesitation to do good

   During his mission, Paul never hesitated to proclaim, teach, encourage and admonish the believers whenever there was something beneficial for them. He carried out his ministry in the gospel with boldness, whether in private homes or public places (Acts 20:20). Paul was able to live such a courageous life because his sole focus was on benefiting the believers. Similarly, those who encounter Jesus and discover their mission live lives of fearlessly doing good and loving their neighbors. We, too, should strive to be Christians who are unhindered by anything and live boldly within the mission we have received from Jesus.

3. Faith toward our Lord Jesus

   After encountering Jesus, the Apostle Paul testified to everyone he met about repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 20:21). Repentance means completely turning away from worldly ways and redirecting one's steps toward God. A genuine encounter with Jesus leads to repentance, and true repentance fosters faith in Jesus. Let us all lay down our pride, stubbornness, and obstinacy that have never pleased God, and instead, be clothed with the meekness and humility of Jesus. May we live lives that glorify God, and fulfill our mission with dedication.