The Path to Grace
(Philippians 2:12-14)
We have come this far solely by the grace of God. Negative elements like complaints, grievances, and dissatisfaction creep into our lives because we do not fully embrace grace in our hearts. We must stay close to God in all circumstances and consistently walk the path of grace, living lives that are recognized by the Lord and bring Him joy.

1. Work out your salvation

   Salvation has two aspects. First, the fact that we believe in Jesus and receive salvation to become children of God is entirely by grace. Since we are incapable of attaining salvation on our own, God predestined and chose us, granting us His irresistible grace (Ephesians 1:4-5). Second, we work out our salvation with fear and trembling until we meet the last day after we are saved (Philippians 2:12). We must daily strive to resemble our Lord Jesus, the perfecter of our salvation, and progress on the path of spiritual maturity. May we always be filled with the Word and the Holy Spirit, fully realizing the salvation God has granted us.
2. Trust in God

   From the moment we believed in Jesus and became children of God, He has performed marvelous works within us through the Holy Spirit. This is because we are created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2:10). Those who rely on their own strength often become weary, face trials, and get hurt. As individuals called to do the Lord's work, we must act solely through the power of the Holy Spirit, seeking His assistance in all things. By depending on God and being filled with the Holy Spirit in every circumstance, we will witness the works God accomplishes among us through the Spirit

3. Have a hold desire

   God works in us, instilling in us the desire to act according to His good purpose (Philippians 2:13). Therefore, we must ensure that our hearts are filled not with human greed or ambition, but with holy dreams and desires that please God. Above all, the Word of God, the Bible, serves as the foundation for the dreams Christians should nurture. By reading and meditating on the Word daily, and praying in the Holy Spirit, we can live blessed lives, dreaming dreams that glorify God. I earnestly pray that all of us will spend our lives dreaming beautiful and hopeful dreams inspired by God, and striving to fulfill them, thereby experiencing His mighty works.