From Father in Heaven to Those Who Ask Him
(Luke 11:13)
Just as Saul encountered Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus and became the Lord’s apostle, we too may experience transformative moments in our lives. The transformation where our old, sin-stained self is crucified and dies, and we are reborn as new beings with the Holy Spirit, is the greatest blessing and most significant event of our lives.
1. The nature of evil human being

   Fundamentally, the thoughts and intentions of a sinful human heart are exceedingly evil all the time (Genesis 6:5). God's judgment of the world through the flood in Noah's time was due to the widespread wickedness across the earth. However, even after the flood, sin continued to spread among people. Since Adam, every individual has been influenced by the sinful nature that dominates them. The Apostle Paul lamented, “What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?” (Romans 7:24). We must daily crucify our old sinful selves and walk toward the throne of God’s grace.

2. A person who approaches God to ask

   As we believe in Jesus and become children of God, we can daily present all our needs to our Heavenly Father, seeking His assistance. However, before we approach God with our requests, it is essential to engage in genuine repentance from sin. By breaking down the wall of sin that separates us from God and relying on the grace of Jesus' cross, we can experience forgiveness, true freedom, and living in purity and joy (1 John 1:9). Let us cast off all the chains of sin that bind us and boldly approach God.

3. Experience the Grace of the Holy Spirit

   The Bible clearly promises that the Father in heaven will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him (Luke 11:13). Therefore, those who have repented and received forgiveness for their sins must also be filled with the Holy Spirit. God satisfies those who come before Him with a desperate heart, filling them with the water of the Holy Spirit (John 4:14, John 7:38-39). I earnestly pray that we may all experience the grace of forgiveness and the fullness of the Holy Spirit, dedicating our entire lives to the glory of God.