A Dreaming Life
(Acts 2:17-18)
When we believe in Jesus and receive salvation, God gifts us with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus. The Holy Spirit guides us to envision God's holy dreams through God’s Word and works through these dreams to accomplish God's good purposes on earth.

1. God, who pours the Holy Spirit

   Approximately 800 years before Jesus came to earth, the prophet Joel, who ministered during the reign of King Joash, foretold that God would one day pour out His Spirit on all believers (Joel 2:28). This prophecy was fulfilled on the 10th day after Jesus' ascension when the 120 disciples gathered in the Upper Room and were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Today, we live in the era of the Holy Spirit. The key to overcoming a powerless faith and living a victorious life in every moment lies in being filled with the Holy Spirit. May we always dedicate ourselves to meditating on the Word and to prayer, striving to live lives filled with the Holy Spirit.

2. Dream sacred dreams

   It is the Holy Spirit who instills within us the dreams that come from God (Acts 2:17). Two thousand years ago, Paul's mission team, initially intending to evangelize Asia, received a vision from the Holy Spirit that redirected them to Europe. Their missionary efforts eventually resulted in the gospel spreading across the entire continent. We, Christians, must rely on the Holy Spirit, who inspires God's dreams within us, to dream holy dreams and work towards transforming the world beautifully.

3. Hold on to the word of God

   The Bible, which serves as the standard for the lives of Christians, was written and carried out by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21). Therefore, meditating on the Word day and night forms the foundation for nurturing holy dreams. Even after believing in Jesus, we often face problems, difficulties, and temptations because we do not hold on to the Word, relying instead on our fleeting emotions and desires. I earnestly pray that we all meditate on the Word, which was recorded by the Holy Spirit, and live blessed lives in every circumstance by obeying and adhering to it.