One Who Has Received God’s Blessing
(Genesis 26:28-29)
Among all the blessings a person can receive in life, the greatest and most precious is the blessing of believing in Jesus and becoming a child of God. God, the source of all blessings, wishes that those who believe in Jesus experience true blessings in every aspect of their lives. By examining the life of Isaac, the son of Abraham, we can uncover the secret to living a life blessed by God.

1. Lived a life of full commitment

   Abraham received God's command to offer his son Isaac as a burnt offering, whom Abraham received at the age 100 (Genesis 22:2). Obediently, Abraham took Isaac and traveled for three days to Mount Moriah. As they arrived, Abraham prepared to bind his son and offer him to God. At that time, Isaac was a young man in his twenties and could have easily resisted his father, who was over 100 years old. However, Isaac chose to submit to his father's decision to obey God, showing unconditional obedience and devotion. Through this act of dedication, Isaac became a person recognized by God. God granted blessings on those who love Him above all else and wholly dedicate themselves to Him.

2. Blessings given to the committed

   When Isaac fully committed himself on Mount Moriah, God provided a ram to be offered as a burnt offering instead of him and blessed him throughout his life. Isaac married Rebekah, the lifelong partner God had prepared for him, and they had twin sons, Esau and Jacob. Jacob’s sons would later become the ancestors of the twelve tribes of Israel. Furthermore, wherever Isaac went, God was with him, helping him to prosper and flourish (Genesis 26:12-13). Likewise, I pray that we also receive God's blessings through our true commitment, living lives where our souls prosper, everything goes well, and we enjoy good health.

3. Isaac, recognized by God and people

   Isaac was a person who always prioritized his relationship with God. No matter where he was, he listened to God's word, built altars to worship Him, and diligently carried out the tasks set before him (Genesis 26:23-25). Witnessing Isaac's devotion, others acknowledged that God was with him and sought to live in peace with him (Genesis 26:28-29). I earnestly pray that as we live our one and only lives, we may offer true dedication to God, gain His favor, and experience prosperity in every circumstance.