Under a Broom Tree
(1 Kings 19:4-8)
In the beginning, God created all things and mankind, sanctifying the seventh day and resting on it. When establishing His covenant with Israel, He gave the commandment, "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy" (Exodus 20:8). In the midst of the relentless and exhausting journey of life, we must daily embrace the rest that God provides, enabling us to walk steadfastly the path of missionary.

1. Elijah collapsed by negative words

   The prophet Elijah, who ministered during the reign of King Ahab of Northern Israel, once faced 850 prophets of Baal and Asherah on Mount Carmel. Through God's fire descending from heaven, he achieved a great victory, resulting in the defeat and destruction of the idol worshipers. However, when Jezebel, King Ahab's wife, heard about this, she sent a messenger to Elijah, threatening to kill him by the next day. This single threat caused Elijah to flee into the wilderness, where he asked God to take his life (1 Kings 19:3-4). Even a great servant of God can collapse due to one negative word when weary and exhausted. Therefore, we must guard our hearts above all else (Proverbs 4:23).

2. Elijah who sat down under a broom tree

   In his exhaustion, Elijah prayed for God to take his life and then fell asleep. At this moment, God sent an angel to lift him up and provide him with food (1 Kings 19:5-6). Under the broom tree, where Elijah lay weary and despondent, God transformed that place into a site of rest and restoration. Similarly, the cross of Calvary, where Jesus bore our despair, suffering, pain, anxiety, and death, is like the shade of the broom tree, offering us true rest and peace. May we lay down the heavy and burdensome loads of life before the Lord and experience genuine peace and rest.

3. Elijah returning to the path of mission

   Revived by God's touch and nutrient, Elijah journeyed for 40 days until he reached Mount Horeb. There, he encountered God speaking to him in a gentle whisper and received the mission to anoint new kings and a prophet. Moreover, God revealed to Elijah, who believed he was the only one left serving the Lord, that there were 7,000 others who remained faithful (1 Kings 19:18). Similarly, may we always remember that our loving Lord Jesus is with us through the Holy Spirit and that we have companions in faith and prayer. I earnestly pray that we may continue to walk the path of mission to the very end.