God Is My Salvation
(Isaiah 12: 1-3)
No one goes through life without facing challenges and difficulties. No matter how much popularity, wealth, fame, or power a person may have, there is no way to avoid deep despair and loneliness in life. We can overcome the darkness and despair of life and live in true joy and peace only by looking to the Lord for strength and guidance.

1. Give thanks to the Lord
   As we journey through life, we may face distressing situations that lead us to despair, loneliness, and suffering. In such times, it is God alone who offers us true comfort and peace. Therefore, we must always live our lives by relying on the Lord. And if we have sinned, we should repent and return to live in His grace and love. God is a good God who embraces, forgives, and comforts us (Isaiah 12:1). We should live each day enjoying the abundant grace of God and offer praise and gratitude to the Lord, who has bestowed these blessings upon us.

2. God is my salvation
   The God we serve is our Savior. He delivers us from the chains of sin, death, and the inevitable deep despair and suffering of life. When we encounter difficulties in life and are frustrated by problems and adversaries, we must turn to our God in heaven rather than relying on people or seeking human solutions. By setting our gaze and hearts on the Lord and earnestly asking for His help, God will deliver us from all trouble and will be glorified and praised through us (Psalm 50:15, Isaiah 12:2).

3. God becomes the source of my joy
God is the one who gives us true joy in a world filled with suffering. Many people wander in despair, searching for genuine happiness, stability, and peace in life. However, it is only when they encounter God, the source of joy and our Savior, that this thirst for life can be quenched (Isaiah 12:3, John 4:13-14). The joy that God gives us is eternal, unstealable, and similar to the endlessly flowing living water of the Holy Spirit. It is my earnest hope that we may experience this true joy, found in the salvation of Jesus and the fullness of the Holy Spirit, throughout our lives and share it with others.