I Have Engraved You on the Palms of My Hands
(Isaiah 49:14-17)
God predestined plans for us even before we were born, choosing us to be His servants and children. As God's children, we must continually meditate on His Word and listen attentively to what He says to us. By doing so, we can live in this world empowered by His love.

1. God who shows compassions to the suffering
   When we face suffering, we learn to rely on God rather than on people. Thus, the times of suffering we experience in life become a process that shapes us into complete servants of God. As we journey through the wilderness of hardship, it is there that we must meet the Lord. Just as a mother tenderly cares for her infant, God does not leave us in despair but shows us compassion (Isaiah 49:14- 15). This love and care of the Lord are the secrets to victory for Christians living in a world full of suffering.

2. God who stays near to me
   God is much closer to us than we ever realize. The Bible tells us that God has engraved us on the palms of His hands (Isaiah 49:16). This assures us that He will never neglect or forget us. No matter what problems, illnesses, or sufferings come our way and threaten to bring us down, God will raise us up again, like a solid wall. May we always walk closely with the Lord, who is ever near and our eternal help, throughout our lives

3. God who brings restoration
   When the Israelites returned to their homeland after their time in Babylonian captivity, they found the walls of Jerusalem in ruins. However, God promised that the broken walls of Israel would soon be rebuilt (Isaiah 49:17). This work was carried out by the leader Nehemiah. Despite the constant interference from their great enemies, God fulfilled His promise by enabling the reconstruction of the wall in just 52 days (Nehemiah 6:15-16). In the midst of life's many problems and trials, may we also come before God, earnestly seeking His help, and experience the true restoration that only He can provide.