As God Provides Perfect Peace to Those Whose Minds Are Steadfast
(Isaiah 26: 1-4)
Our God is truly gracious and good, guiding His chosen people throughout their lives. Although life may be filled with suffering, sorrow, and challenges, God works all things together for good for those who trust in Him and live by faith.

1. God, who saves us.
Chapter 26 of Isaiah records God's actions in granting victory to the people of Israel and their subsequent expressions of gratitude. God surrounds and protects us with His saving grace, like a fortified city wall (Isaiah 26:1). Just as He saved the Israelites from their despair during their captivity in Babylon, God continues to deliver and protect us from our troubles and afflictions today. As long as God is with us, no adversary can ever bring us down. May we always live with gratitude and praise for the God who bestows such saving grace upon us.

2. Those who present in the place of grace.
We who are called by God have been invited to become citizens of His righteous kingdom (Isaiah 26:2). Though we were once filled with sin and mistakes, through faith in Jesus, we have been declared righteous before God. Having received this grace, we must always stand humbly before God, trusting and obeying His Word. By living as righteous people, God is glorified through us, and He fills our lives with true peace and blessings.

3. Peace given to the steadfast in mind.
The Bible describes those who rely solely on God and not on worldly things as "steadfast in mind" (Isaiah 26:3). Individuals with unwavering faith do not seek security from external sources; rather, they trust that God Himself will care for and protect them. True peace and incomparable blessings, which the world cannot provide, are found in God. May we firmly settle our faith in our good God and live our lives continually enjoying these blessings.