Jesus Who Helps Us
(Heb. 2:17-18, 4:16)
The journey of life is challenging and exhausting for everyone. Even those in favorable conditions cannot escape the loneliness and spiritual isolation that life often brings. During His time on earth, Jesus, in human body, personally experienced humanity's existential suffering and pain. Because He understands all our struggles intimately, Jesus is the Lord who can truly help us.

1. Jesus who helps
   During His time on earth, our Lord Jesus became a friend to the suffering and healed the wounded. Though He was sinless, He endured punishment and was scourged to resolve our issues of sin and death (Isaiah 53:5). Because Jesus personally experienced every trial and suffering that we face in life, He is the Savior who can truly help us (Hebrews 2:18). By relying solely on Jesus, our true Helper, we can walk steadfastly in faith, remaining unwavering in the midst of the tribulations of this world.
2. Jesus who shows mercy.
   During His earthly ministry, Jesus wept on three occasions. The first instance was when Lazarus, the brother of Martha and Mary, died (John 11:35). The second was when He foresaw the future destruction of Jerusalem (Luke 19:41-42). The third time was when He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane before bearing the cross (Hebrews 5:7). Jesus' tears reflect God's profound love and compassion for each individual, for His community of believers, and for all humanity. As we face life's challenges, let us turn to the Lord, who shows us mercy, to find genuine comfort and peace, rather than relying on people or worldly solutions.

3. Jesus who is in the throne of grace.
   The Bible encourages us to approach the "throne of grace" to receive help in our times of need (Hebrews 4:16). Our Lord Jesus is the One who sits on this throne of grace. When we come to God with faith, in prayer and begging, the Lord will wipe away our tears and lead us to peaceful waters (Revelation 7:17). I fervently pray that we may take Jesus as our Shepherd throughout our lives, following His guidance and living lives of faith and obedience.