God Who Provides Dreams
(Genesis 15: 1-7)

What distinguishes humans from animals is our ability to envision the future rather than simply living in the present. As stated in the King James Version, “Where there is no vision, the people perish." We are called to pursue God's will by embracing and fulfilling the holy dreams He places within us.

1. Abraham’s decisions based on human understanding
   When Abraham was 75 years old, God called him and promised that a great nation would be established through him. However, as many years passed without a child, Abraham considered appointing his faithful servant, Eliezer, as his heir. At that moment, God reaffirmed His promise, assuring Abraham that his heir would come from his own body (Genesis 15:4). God's plans are fulfilled according to His Word, not through human reasoning. As children of the Lord, we must firmly trust in His Word and witness the fulfillment of His divine will.
2. Step out of the curtain of impossibility
God called Abraham out of the narrow tent where he was trapped in negative thoughts and a sense of impossibility. Then God said to him, "Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them" (Genesis 15:5), promising that Abraham’s descendants would be as countless as the stars. As Abraham looked up at the countless stars, he embraced in his heart the promise of the future generations that would come from him. Likewise, we must break free from the confines of the past, failures, despair, and impossibility, and lift our eyes to heaven. Those who look up to heaven and receive God’s promises in faith can still experience His miracles today.

3. Place Your Complete Trust in God
   Abraham trusted in God’s promise that he would have descendants. The Apostle Paul describes Abraham’s faith in Romans as "hoping against hope" (Romans 4:18). Abraham did not rely on human reasoning or external assurances; instead, he fully trusted in God, who had promised to fulfill His Word. Because of this faith, God counted it to Abraham as righteousness (Genesis 15:6). Faith grounded in God’s Word brings holy dreams and miracles. It is my earnest hope that all of us will live our lives dreaming blessed dreams within the Word of God and walking in His will.