A Lively Life
(Eph. 6:10~17)
A person needs to have vitality to live a joyful, happy life. Like a car that ran out of gas, a life without vitality may look nice on the outside, but it can’t carry out its role. Today, many people are living a tired life. What do we need to do to live a life overflowing with vitality?
1. A life casting out the demons and winning
1) To live our life overflowing with vitality, we must stand against Satan and drive out demons. As the invisible power from behind, demons are destroying many people’s lives today.
2) Jesus drove out demons and healed those who were oppressed by the devil wherever He went during His public ministry. We must put on the full armor of God to stand against the devil that works from behind our life and drive out demons. Then, we are able to live a life overflowing with liveliness.
2. A life full of the Holy Spirit
1) The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Jesus Christ. In places where the Holy Spirit works, amazing changes and creation take place. If we acknowledge, welcome, invite and rely on the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will work and change all things beautifully.
2) To live a life filled with the Holy Spirit, we must pray. When we pray, we can solve problems with the power of the Holy Spirit. Even if individuals, homes, societies and countries are formless and empty, and darkness is over the surface of the deep, the Holy Spirit brings new creation if we pray.
3. A life guided by the Holy Spirit
1) To live a life overflowing with vitality, we must receive the help of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives us dreams and faith. He helps us to become more than conquerors when it comes to every hardship.
2) Because the Holy Spirit has personality, we must acknowledge, welcome, invite and rely on the Holy Spirit to receive His help. When we live with the Holy Spirit, we are able to live a life overflowing with liveliness and a life where we may enjoy good health and that all may go well with us, even as our souls are getting along well.
Because the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of life, we live a life overflowing with vitality when we are filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit changes a life that is formless and empty and that is filled with darkness into a beautiful life in the eyes of God. Therefore, when we have received the fullness of the Holy Spirit, we are able to live as shining Christians.