Two Sources of Judgment in Life
(Gen. 18:18~21)

1. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah
1) Sodom and Gomorrah overflowed with lust that they were very corrupted and they morally fell. The people of Sodom and Gomorrah received God’s judgment due to sins that were filled in their life.
2) Lot who was Abraham’s nephew was on the brink of destruction. Despite the fact that he knew God, he loved the world that he chose a place of debauchery and orgies and lived there.

2. God’s judgment and Abraham’s intercession
1) Before destroying Sodom and Gomorrah, God told Abraham about the plan. So, Abraham went before God and offered intercessory prayer. Although Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, Lot and his family were saved due to Abraham’s prayer.
2) There is great power in our intercessory prayer. We must not only pray for our problems to be solved, but also pray for others. We must spare no effort to pray for our families, relatives, friends, neighbors, countries, people and the world.

3. God’s judgment and repentance
1) There are various dimensions to repentance. Those who do not believe in Jesus must repent of their sin for not believing in Jesus. When it comes to God’s judgment, only Jesus’ cross is the way out.
2) Not only unbelievers, but those who believe in Jesus must repent. Today, many people serve themselves instead of serving God. They love money and live by chasing after pleasure. We must repent of this kind of sin and thoroughly return to life centered on God.
3) If we rely on the Holy Spirit, He grants grace for us to repent from deeper dimension. Repentance of deep dimension changes our thoughts. We lived by following the worldly values before believing in Jesus. But after believing in Jesus, our thoughts must change.

Our faith is a series of repentance until we come to the last stop. Through repentance, we must conquer sin and live our life more centered on God. We must arm our thoughts with the word of God and the fivefold gospel and live with the power and authority of God by relying on the Holy Spirit and the word.