Better life
(John 2:1-10)

During our life, we meet variously unexpected difficulties and hardships. We hope good days will be forever but difficult times will not come. However, every life has its difficulties. Therefore, how well we cope with the hardships will shape our success.

1. Joy and Despair

At the small village called Cana in Galilee, there was a wedding ceremony but there happened a problem. The wine was run out, which was very important at the party. It might have been impolite and must have been such a big problem to stop the party. Likewise, we may face unexpected serious moment while we enjoy happiness. The things we think that give us happiness will give us bad moments. The people in the world blame the situations or people around them or are addicted to something. However, we should remember that all the answers lie in Jesus who can change all our bad things into good things on the cross.

2. Jesus Christ who is our absolute hope
Darkness overshadowed the wedding party but it was not the end because Jesus, the absolute hope, was there, too. (John 2:2) The mother of Jesus reported to Jesus what had happened. (John 2:3) When we have problems, we should pray what has happened before God frankly rather than complaining about the troubles. When we pray, miracles happen. (Matt. 21:22) Also, we should obey Jesus when Jesus asks us to do something. Then, miracle of water changing into wine will happen. (John 2:5-8) Therefore, we should experience the miracle of God in any depressing circumstances as a man of pray and obedience.

3. Life gotten better

Thanks to the miracle made by Jesus, the wedding became the place of the great joy and blessings. And the taste of wine was much better than previous one. (John 2:9-10) Likewise, Jesus makes our tomorrow better than today, making our end better than beginning because Jesus brings the new life from the old life as well as new era from the old era. (John 2: 11) Therefore, when Jesus is involved in our life, we become such precious people as the precious wine before God and people. Therefore, we should drink the precious blood of Jesus every day to be renewed and enjoy the real joy and satisfaction, spreading the name of Jesus all over the world.