A True Thankfulness
(Dan. 6:7-10)

The life of Christians should be filled with thankfulness. We should not stop giving thanks to God from the time we believe in Jesus until the time for us to go heaven. Giving thanks is the will of God and God receive glory when we give thanks to God.

1. Thankfulness in times of trouble

True thankfulness is the thing that we give thanks in the times of trouble. When we are successful, it's easy to give thanks to God. When Darius was the king, two prime ministers and the other high-ranked officials plotted to kill Daniel by throwing him into the den of lions. (Dan. 6:7) Likewise, we are falsely accused, criticized and betrayed in our life but we should keep our mind strong.( Prov. 4:23) We should get our mind controlled by the peace of Jesus. (Col.3:15) Daniel knew that the decree was published but he just prayed giving thanks to God. (Dan. 6:10) we should overcome difficulties and hardships by praying hard and giving thanks to God rather than complaining.

2. Prayer in trouble
When we are in trouble, we should not complain but pray hard. Complains don't change anything, but prayer turns hardships into blessings. Paul and Silas went to Philippi and drove out evil spirit from the fortune telling girl but they were falsely accused, beat and sent to the prison. They were not complaining but praying and praising God. (Acts. 16:25) Then, God showed a miracle and the jailor was saved. Finally, Paul and Silas were released with the help of the jailor. This event was a big comfort to the Philippi church at that time. Even at the night of despair, we should experience the miracle of God by praying hard. (Jer. 33:3)
3. Giving thanks to God

The one who receive our thanksgiving is God. Before looking for someone else to help us, we should seek for God with giving thankfulness and depending on God wholeheartedly. (Ps. 50:23) When Paul was sent to Rome by boat, he faced the wind of hurricane force at sea and was in the risk of the ship's being wrecked. However, he made people comforted proclaiming faith toward God. (Acts 27:24-25) As what he had believed, all the people in the ship were saved. Daniel was also saved when he depended on God with giving thanks to God. On the contrary, his enemies were all judged. We should show the glory of God with absolute thankfulness as well as positive faith despite the wind of hardships and adversities.