Teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ Boldly and without Hindrance
(Acts 28:30-31)

There are the amazing scenes in Acts in which the disciples were used to spread the gospel. The Acts was ended at chapter 28 and all the disciples were in heaven but the mission to spread the gospel is not ended. We should write chapter 29 of Acts. To spread the gospel to the end of the world, what do we have to do?

1. Life welcoming with Love

Paul was confined in his rented room as a prisoner but he welcomed the people who visited him with his love. As we are children of God, the service for others based on the love of God is our duty, regardless of our good or bad situations. Gospel will be spread and we can lift the name of Jesus through the service based on the love that we practice. Today, there are many people who need our helpful hands. We should not turn away from them. Especially there are multinational people with various racial backgrounds, who are immigrated to Korea and they are the subjects whom we spread the gospel and serve with the love. When they are transformed with the gospel of Jesus in love, the door to spread the gospel to their countries will be open miraculously.

2. Life preaching the kingdom of God

We should spread the news about the kingdom of God and heaven. Without the story of heaven, we cannot understand and believe in Jesus. The kingdom of God is related to healing and recovery as well as joy and peace and it is full of hope. The reason why Jesus was sacrificed on the cross but resurrected on it is to give us the kingdom of God. It is not where we go only after we are dead. When we depend on God wholeheartedly and obey the voice of the Holy Spirit, we can enjoy the happiness coming from the kingdom of God while we are living in the world. Transform the world into the kingdom of God by accepting the authority of God in our daily life, family life and workplace.

3. Life teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ

After personal encounter with Jesus on the way to Damascus, Paul was dedicated to spread and teach about Jesus. He faced a lot of difficulties and troubles to spread about Jesus, but he was not frustrated or depressed. Rather he was happy and proud of the difficulties. He was completed contributed to spread the gospel because he had Jesus-centered life. Our life should resemble that of St. Paul. We should believe in Jesus, resemble Jesus and spread Jesus. The world cannot give us the salvation and the hope. There is the only one, Jesus who can give the way to salvation, solutions to problems in life and hopeful and joyful life. Have the real freedom by depending on Jesus in your life.