He who began a good work
(Phil. 1:3-7)

Everyone experiences failures in life and has big or small wounds. To overcome failures and be healed from wounds, we should come to Jesus. Jesus is with us forever and achieves his miraculous works through us.

1. Our life

The moment we believe in Jesus, we go through amazing spiritual transformation. We become the children of God from the children of Evil. Therefore, believing in Jesus is not just to have one of religions. Instead, it means we have to live differently from the past and live for the Gospel. We should be dedicated to the Gospel, which allows us to be saved spiritually, physically and environmentally. The life devoted to the Gospel means to joy with the Gospel and spread it every day. The most important thing to spread the grace of the cross is to practice love. We should share the grace, blessing and love that we have with others. When we bear fruits of good deeds, we really join the grace of God, and truly become the happy persons.

2. God who begins and completes a work

To have successfully faithful life, we need the help of God. The faithful life in Jesus means to experience the victory of the cross in our real life. Therefore, we should depend on Jesus who is good forever. God chooses us and protects us until we reach heaven. Also, God starts good works in us and achieves them. There are no accidental events in our lives. God works with his plans in us. We should do our best efforts in faith, hope and love and depend on God. We should have victory in our life by depending on our God, who is absolute master in our life.

3. Life giving glory to God.

Regardless of our situations, we are precious and valuable because we are the children of God. Once we had to be dead because of sins but now we become the children of God. We should give thanks to His grace and should bear meaningful fruits of righteousness which satisfies God. To do this, we should be filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. We should serve for our family, neighbors and communities with wisdom and sincerity. People in the world give glory to God and praise the name of God due to our good service for them. After believing in Jesus, our life is not our own. It belongs to God as the tool for God, which achieves God's good work. We should give glory to God abundantly by bearing plentiful fruits of righteousness with the fullness of the words of God, of the Holy Spirit and absolute faith in God.