Life to raise one up
(Acts 3:1-8)

Today, many people live in despair. People try to find hope with their own ways but hard to find hope in the world. The one who can give us real hope is Jesus alone. Therefore, we should live to lift up the people who fall down in frustration with the name of Jesus.

1. Life to beg for

Peter and John faced a beggar in front of the temple. He was a man crippled from birth and had lived with being disabled for 40 years. The only thing he could do with his disability was to beg for living. Like this disabled man from the birth, we are born as sinners from birth. We cannot break out the chains of sins and live to beg for things in the world. However, this life searching for things in the life leads us to failure and frustration. We should look for things of God who is eternal instead of looking for the things in the world. When we live a life to seek for God’s will, we are changed into the children of God enjoying God's gifts out of the children of sinners.

2. Life to lift one up

Peter lifted the crippled man with the name of Jesus. People without God beg for living but can have a different life after believing in Jesus. Then, these people can lift other people up. Jesus lifted the people who were frustrated due to poverty, diseases and many problem of life wherever he went. Likewise, we should lift the people who are in troubles in the name of Jesus. We should shine the light of Gospel with the power of the Holy Spirit. When we heal sick people and spread the new hope with the power of Jesus, God will work through us to achieve his amazing works.

3. Life to give glory to the Lord

The crippled man did praise the Lord firstly right after he was healed by the name of Jesus. He went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God. We should remember what we have because of the grace of God, praising God. We are created to praise the Lord. However, some people commit sins of enjoying the glory which has to be given to God. We should break out the glory of the world which will disappear and lift the mane of God and praise God only. When we live to give glory to God, the power of God will be shown in our life.