By Faith Alone
(Rom. 1:16??7)

We are living in the word of doubt. What we can trust on is unchanging word of God. Therefore, we should and live with faith, holding the word of God every day.

1. The power of the Gospel

Paul, the Apostle had a lot of things to be proud of such as knowledge, social status and his authority. However, he lived to be proud of the cross because the cross of Jesus had power of salvation. Jesus achieved the salvation plan for all on the cross. We didn't do anything to be saved. People who believe the gospel are given salvation as grace of God. However, not every person enjoys salvation of God. People who don't believe in God consider it foolish. Therefore, we, who believe the power of the gospel and are saved, should be proud of the gospel, not just staying at enjoying the power of salvation. When we proclaim the gospel with faith, comfort, healing and grace of blessing will be given to us.

2. The Righteousness of God

Once we accept the gospel with faith, the righteousness of God is given to us. We cannot reach the righteousness of God by ourselves. Jewish people wanted to show their righteousness through the laws. However, we cannot meet all the laws perfectly. When we stick to the written laws, we realize that we are sinners. The Righteousness of God is given us as grace when we believe. No person can earn it for themselves. Righteousness defined from a human viewpoint leads to self-display and greed, not leading us to salvation. We need to ask the righteousness of God humbly with faith to achieve the will of God in our life. We should let it overflow in the world where is covered with sins.

3. The work of faith

When the prophet Habakkuk worked, the Southern Judah was severely corrupted spiritually, politically and economically. The prophet conveyed the serious warning of God and proclaimed that the only way to be saved was faith. Faithful life is series of spiritual battles.
The Satan attacks us through sweet temptation of sins as well as pains and sorrows. Faith works as shield to protect us in the spiritual battlefields. The power overcoming desperate moments of life is absolutely positive faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ. Be armed with faith by holding Jesus. Become the man of faith whom God is looking for so as to give glory to God.